You are a vessel fit for the Master's use, and there never was a vessel fit for his use that he did not use one day or other. "And the Spirit of Jehovah shall rest," etc. Verse Revelation 3:10. 293. [Note: Beasley-Murray, p. There is the desire to be great, to be esteemed of men, "rich, and increased in goods, and in need of nothing." And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.". This is the Lord's complaint against them. Peter warns his people that they will give account for their deeds to him who comes to judge the living and the dead ( 1 Peter 4:5). (i) It individualizes the message of the letters. Never but here occurs an address to a certain number of assemblies, particularly one so definite and significant symbolically as seven. The warden of Angola prison, Burl Cain, also a believer in Jesus, took the hand of Antonio James and said, 'Antonio, the chariot is here; get ready for the ride. We exist to worship him and enjoy him forever. No man knows the day and the hour when for him eternity will invade time. Yet, alas! A bee knows the nearest way. Clarke's Revelation 3:10 Bible Commentary The word of my patience - The doctrine which has exposed you to so much trouble and persecution, and required so much patience and magnanimity to bear up under its attendant trials. "What I say to you, I say to all: watch" ( Matthew 24:42-43; Mark 13:37). It was all over with them, unless they judged themselves, and in the power of the Holy Ghost Christ regained His place. Here again it is all comprehensive. God is beginning the end, the resolution of all things, the gathering together (resolution, summing up) of all things in one in Jesus ( Ephesians 1:10 ). A new evil appears. The hour of temptation A time of sore and peculiar trial which might have proved too much for their strength. In Revelation 3:12 we come to the promises of the Risen Christ to those who are faithful. Whichever picture is behind this, the sense is that the faithful ones will wear the unmistakable badge of God. Often hot mineral springs are nauseating in their taste and make the person who drinks them want to be physically sick. Through Christ, who has the key to life and death (see v. 7; cf. Three centuries before, Philadelphia had been given an open door to spread Greek ideas in the lands beyond; and now there has come to it another great missionary opportunity, to carry to men who never knew it the message of the love of Jesus Christ. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. B. John is commissioned to preach. Isaiah 43:2-4; John 10:27-28; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 6:18-19). Let them cry "Lo here, or lo there," but believe them not. It is amazingly easy to go through a door when it is wide open, and it will be very easy to you much easier than you think, now that you have been schooled by God's Spirit into steadfastness of character, just to say in God's name, dependent upon God's strength, what he has taught you. Perhaps this name is a symbol of His character, which overcomers can appreciate only when we see Him (cf. (ii) He is he who has the seven stars. They will not be in that hour. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches ( Revelation 3:6 ). But it assumes a somewhat different shape when it becomes a question of assemblies which had not been, so far as we know, sending messengers at all. (i) It prided itself on its financial wealth. All was dark as to truth, and uncertain as to moral judgment. In the pagan world devotees of certain gods often wrote the name of their god on their forehead (cf. There is not a word about His coming as a thief now, but with joy. While, therefore, he had all that is properly Christian, he also had very special communications of another character for saints who will follow us at the end of this age. If a doctrine be of God, if it has come out of the loving lips of the Lord Jesus, hold it fast, as for dear life. Laodicea prided itself on three things; and each is taken in turn and shown at its true value. Remember what Solomon says, "The conies are a feeble folk," but he puts them down as wise people, for they have their habitation in the rocks. Christian chivalry should make you feel it better to be a member of a church of six doing the Lord's work conscientiously than to be a member of a church of six millions which has turned aside from it. At the same time it is manifestly He who is God and Father instructing, comforting, and admonishing His own. And I will kill her children with death." Men's scheme was a mistake, their flight foolish. As we have so often seen, the Jews divided time into two ages, the present age which is wholly bad, and the age to come, which is wholly good with in between the terrible time of destruction when judgment will fall upon the world. Thyatira does, and so Sardis, and also Philadelphia. Shebna lost his place to Eliakim ( Isaiah 22:15-25). By the power of God upon the hearts of his enemies, and by signal discoveries of his peculiar favour to his church: They shall know that I have loved thee. The Risen Christ is telling the lethargic Sardians to remember the thrill with which they first heard the good news. (3.) Trench says: "The beginning of all true amendment is to see ourselves as we are." We have set these letters carefully against the local situations to which they were addressed; but their message is not local and temporary. And have we not seen it ourselves? In the descriptions of the second chapter what was said about the Lord is a repetition of what was found in the vision John had just seen. Recall from Revelation 1:9, perseverance, or patience comes through trial and tribulation. "Thou hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name." (ii) Laodicea prided itself on its clothing trade. the Roman Empire (Luke 2:1; Acts 11:28). Here is a warning against what we might call "spasmodic Christianity." "And Enoch walked with God, and he was not; for God took him" ( Genesis 5:24). This we have had already in the Pauline epistles, where the proper sphere of the Christian as a member of Christ's body is treated especially, and indeed only there. It is a quotation from Proverbs 3:12, but one word is altered. It was specially connected with a tunic called the trimita, so much so, indeed, that it was sometimes called Trimitaria. ", But there is more of Philadelphia's history than that in this letter. There was failure in this respect. [Note: See Stanton, pp. "Pretrib Rapture" - Revelation 3:10. The word of Jehovah was sent to Jehovah's people. There is a doctrine known as the manifested sons of God that advocates the super sainthood. And as this is the heart's outpouring of its own delight in Jesus, so the next verse gives a warning testimony suitable to the book, lest there should be any weakening of what Jesus will be to those who stand in no such nearness to Him. Again there is a double background. "Repent; or else I am coming to thee quickly, and will war against them with the sword of my mouth." "[51] From Matthew 24, etc., all should be familiar with this quality in prophecies regarding such events. It was founded with the deliberate intention that it might be a missionary of Greek culture and language to Lydia and Phrygia; and so well did it do its work that by A.D. 19 the Lydians had forgotten their own language and were all but Greeks. The Risen Christ bids the Philadelphians hold to what they have, that no one may take their crown ( Revelation 3:11). (ii) Swete thinks that the white garments stand for the profession a man made at baptism; and that the phrase described the man who had not broken his baptismal vows. Though few and small and weak your bands. This very thing condemned the state of Protestantism that resulted; because, while it was freely read, there was scarce any thought of forming all upon the Bible, and regulating all by it. As Trench has it: "Every man is lord of the house of his own heart; it is his fortress; he must open the gates of it," and he has "the mournful prerogative and privilege of refusing to open." I know your works; I know that you have a reputation for life, but that you are dead. Sir W. M. Ramsay said of Sardis that nowhere was there a greater example of the melancholy contrast between past splendour and present decay. See the notes on Luke 2:1. The first of these epistles to the angel of the church in Ephesus denounced "the deeds of the Nicolaitans;" but now the iniquity in question (Antinomianism it would seem) had become a doctrine. The patristic party those commonly called "the Fathers" seem to be the leaders of the party here referred to. Yet Smyrna was poor and Philadelphia was small. Even that which connects Him with the Christian, as the One that intercedes for him in the presence of God, is here left out, though I doubt not we may see Him as the angel high priest for others in Revelation 8:1-13. In any decision regarding the Church, the decisive factor must be not what any man wishes the Church to do but what Jesus Christ wishes to be done. Tepid is chliaros ( G5513) . "He is the faithful witness, the first-begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth;" the last displayed when He comes from heaven to earth, as He stands in resurrection the first-begotten of the dead. One can understand their passing through the scene of his power, but to be dwelling there is significant. Philadelphia, City Of Praise ( Revelation 3:7-13 Continued). III. Wicked men envy the people of God their door of liberty, and would be glad to shut it against them. 1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Laodicea prides itself on the magnificent garments it produces but spiritually it is naked and nakedness is shame. This does not go along with the public state of the church now. There is a divine link in the sense as there was in the Spirit's mind an undistinguished reference; but then the Apocalypse gives it an incomparably larger range, and a more profound character. The meaning appears to be that, as "angel" is used in the sense of representative, whether an angelic being or not, so in reference to the assemblies the Lord here avails Himself of this general truth. The A, B, Come and See Revelation A commentary on the Book of . To use that door of opportunity is at once our privilege and our responsibility. From everyone of us Jesus Christ is looking for something; and for everyone of us there is something to do. It may have been some form of persecution, or it may have been some calamity by disease, earthquake, or famine that was to occur. The people of Philadelphia knew all about taking a new name. ], Fifth, Jesus Christ will identify with His faithful people. He will reward them at his return (10-11). This medical school was famous for two things throughout the world, ointment for the ear and ointment for the eyes. The lifelessness of the Church at Sardis had a strange effect. Revelation 3:10 Because of what will be happening at the end time, "persevering" or "courageously enduring" without compromising will certainly be no small accomplishment. Even when time comes to an end, and the world as we know it ceases to exist, he who is faithful to Christ will still be said in his keeping. That, perhaps, is the central thought here, "Thou hast kept my word." It is interesting to note that the third century work The Apostolic Constitutions (8: 46) says that Archippus was the first Bishop of the Church in Laodicea. It is for discipline that you have to endure. You have a little strength.We are not very strong. In that enervating atmosphere the Christian Church too had lost its vitality and was a corpse instead of a living Church. In the ancient world there were at least six cities called Laodicea and this one was called Laodicea on the Lycus to distinguish it from the others. "What shall be after these" must be owned as the true translation of the words. "And I gave her space that she should repent; and she will not repent of her fornication. "Remember therefore whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I am coming to thee quickly, and will remove thy lampstand out of its place, except thou shalt repent." Nevertheless, having become a man in divine grace, He speaks according to that lowly position which He entered here. Christ has opened the door for these Gentile Christians, and no Jew is able to close it. The godly remnant of Jews, having to do with a special and most fierce but circumscribed tribulation, have only to flee to the mountains in order to escape till Jesus appears in glory, to the confusion of their foes. We can see now why it was. Yet it was a wealthy city, situated at the junction of several important roads and trade routes. The history of Sardis had its vivid examples of what happens to the garrison whose watch is slack. Revelation 3:1. "But to you I say, the rest (or remnant) in Thyatira." Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." The Jews lost their place to the Gentiles ( Romans 11:11). (3) The Spirit of Counsel: A lifeless dying church or individual needs to heed the counsel of God. ISBN-13 9780952489429 ISBN-10 0952489422 Num total owners: 3 We may safely strike out the word "and," if we respect the best authorities. It is Christ coming in judgment. But if any of you try the double-shuffle in religion the plan of trying to believe a little of everything and not much of anything if you try to hold with the hare and run with the hounds, you will be tempted to deadly error, and it will serve you right. It was precisely because the church was faithful in time of trial that Christ in turn will be faithful to them. You know it is true that God is doing a wonderful work here and it is exciting to see what God is doing, but we have hardly touched the county. I value more a solid confidence in the word of God than even the knowledge that comes out of it; for that faith is a saving habit, a sanctifying habit, in every way a strengthening and confirming and preserving habit. Jesus Christ is for ever true to the man who is true to him. He didn't want to become one with the Gentile. It is not a question of someone stealing their crown but of God taking it from them and giving it to someone else, because they were not worthy to wear it. II. In truth, the moral reason lay in this: that Christ, if rejected as the object of faith, and the only channel of grace, becomes an executor of judgment. Writing ones name on something indicated ownership in Johns day, as it does now. James urges patient endurance on his people because the coming of the Lord is drawing near ( James 5:8); soon their distresses will be at an end. You will bring many to Christ, because you yourself abide in Christ. Learn here, (1.) "Therefore," he says, "watch!" Laodicea had certain characteristics which have left their mark on the letter written to it. We are NOT reading the Bible each day, just providing a reading plan as well as a 3 or so minute observation or devotion based on that day's content. On this monumental pillar there shall be an honourable inscription, as in those cases is usual. 58. The King James and Revised Standard Versions speak of eye-salve. But when they have observed how you stand to the truth, how solid, and how steadfast you are, they will give over disputing with you, and come to inquire what your views really are. "Be watchful, stand firm in your faith," he urges ( 1 Corinthians 16:13). The threat to Egypt is that Assyria will lead her people naked and barefoot ( Isaiah 20:4). The names of Paul's fellow-labourers for God are written in the book of life ( Php_4:3 ). From the hour of temptation - The season; the time; the period of temptation. (ii) The Christian must be on the watch against the wiles of the devil ( 1 Peter 5:8). ], "When Solomon built the temple following his ascension to the throne, he had a worker of brass from Tyre construct two massive pillars for the porch. When the children of Israel had hopelessly betrayed the Lord when their departure was complete before His eyes not only in the first rent-off portion, the ten tribes of Israel, but even the remaining two, when there was a stay and a lengthening of the tranquillity, when not only Judah, but even the house of David, the anointed king, the last regular link between God and His people, failed, then we find that God addressed not His people, but an only chosen faithful servant as His witness. Search us, O Lord, know our hearts, try us, O God, know our thoughts, if there is a way of unrighteousness, if there is a way of deceitfulness, God help us that we would not deceive ourselves, and be blind to the truth. Applying this to the present time, and our own circumstances, is it not most grave? I hold one single sentence out of God's word to be of more certainty, and of more power, than all the discoveries of all the learned men of all the ages. Laodicea, Neither One Thing Nor Another ( Revelation 3:14-22 Continued). The Romanists are in general too ignorant to know what is or is not in the Bible. The reason is that a remnant is now formed. The answer is given by the last clause when "and" is taken away: the visions that he was going to behold and record in this book whatsoever things he saw. It is said of the faithful that they "have not soiled their garments." Other New Testament passages also teach a pretribulation Rapture (e.g., John 14:3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:9). If that doesn't happen, I have had it. In Revelation 3:9 the promise of the Risen Christ is that some day the Jews who slander the Christians will kneel before them. The angel is a term that suits such a prophetic book as the Revelation. Peter and James and John were the pillars of the early church in Jerusalem ( Galatians 2:9). Writing to the Corinthians of the work which lies ahead of him, Paul says: "For a wide door for effective work has opened to me" ( 1 Corinthians 16:9). 2. Just open the door and He will come in and become one with you. (iii) Laodicea prided itself on its famous eye-salve; but the facts of the case show that it was blind to its own poverty and nakedness. Word about His coming as a thief now, but there is something to.., so much so, indeed, that it was precisely because the church was faithful time... The faithful that they `` have not soiled their garments. the that! Characteristics which have left their Mark on the magnificent garments it produces but spiritually is... 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