physical ascension symptoms 2020

A level of empathy and increased compassion. I dont know where this road is headed, but Ive decided to cruise on the journey. It doesnt matter if this is the cause of your despair or not. The feeling of spiritual ascension might cause you to feel worry, confusion, or dread. It occurs when energy is flowing through your body. Your email address will not be published. Many of us are remembering and feeling this contrast. Will meditate and get out into nature as much as possible to try and rebalance. It let me to my current carreer as a Massage Therapist. Whatever spiritual and energy work you are doing is calling forth more light into your life. She had a virtual visit today with her doctor who prescribed medication for sleeping and a sleep study. Imagine the ache as a color. Those feelings of despair may have many causes. To help with the transition of the Shift, you might try finding the Home energy in your current life. Upon 5D ascension, your 6th sense is awakened. As we make changes to heal energetically, the places in our bodies that hold the old patterns may talk back to us. With time and practice, youll learn to merge both and live with consciousness in the 3D world. The more understanding you can bring to what is essentially a MORE Your environment has a new effect on you, as you learn that everything has a vibration. As they are getting knocked loose, the logs may bump around for a bit or get stuck in new ways until the water (energy) washes them away. Headaches and migraines. Practice selfcare. This is a result of energy coursing through your body, making you nervous. Information is Light. First off my whole body has sort of reconstructed itself. Being in the third dimension becomes a chore. Many others, like you, who are sensitive, are picking up on it. Please distribute freely as long as both the author and is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis. Julia helps people navigate their spiritual awakening. And, of course, putting your attention on anything will only amplify it. Having 47 of the signs of a starseed! I have experienced many of these symptoms and others I can not explain. Thank You. Thats enough to depress anyone, dont you think? How can I manage my 5D ascension symptoms? Customized by The Virtual Inch. I never used to suffer from headaches, but this past year, Ive been getting them as often as twice a month. For the most part Ive always woke up around 2-4 am. There's a great Ho'oponopono healing prayer for forgiveness that I posted here, which is excellent for healing the Liver. I may be 73, but I have always believed that we are all imortal.ALL of the above hit me in Nov.2019, most are gone, the few remaining are fading away. Saul Through John: Love in Action is being Massively Demonstrated all across Planet Earth. Has anyone else been experiencing this? You are becoming a being that holds higher, faster frequencies of consciousness. Thank you again for your website. The 3D (third dimension) consciousness is the physical world in which we live, known to everyone. 9. Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years Notice what is beautiful. Can you give me some idea of what might be going on? Practice when it doesnt count. 5D ascension makes you more spiritual. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. Have you ever found your mind awakening and opening to the reality that there is more to life than you can perceive? The ascension symptoms can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Now the trick is to get out of the way and allow it! Despite all the energy tools of light and reiki, the symptoms are alarming! I will guide you. Take time to discover your new self and explore your emerging interests. The feeling of losing your sense of self makes you on edge and quick to get angry, but its a common part of ascension. 57 Ascension Symptoms. The reverse is also true; a person with poor vision can get improved eyesight on their journey. I did not know that these were symptoms of ascension. Caduceus is a symbol of Masculine and Feminine polarity merging in unity consciousness, depicted from Wider Rait Tarot in 2 of Cups formation. Assisted PT . My tarot readings are more clearer also. Forgetting everything you know and embracing a new reality is challenging. What is wrong with me ? We are altering how we see the world around us, and increasing our bodys ability to hold Light. Forgetfulness. The process varies for each individual. Maintaining an even keel, a balance within, working with ourselves and our issues and pain, gracing our bodies with weekly massages and nurturing healing, being kind to ourselves . Im clumsy, light headed, sleepy, depressed, crying, ringing in my ears, having troubles with memory, * thought it was Alzheimer* And yeah, I do feel like an outsider, an imposter hanging around here on earth. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. I meditate but not near enough. Your sixth sense comes alive during ascension tap into it! 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. New 5D PHYSICAL ASCENSION SYMPTOMS 2020 - Feeling these BODY CHANGES \u0026 Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 2020 ??? People who had severe illness with COVID-19 might experience organ damage affecting the heart, kidneys, skin and brain. Being in the third dimension becomes a chore. I can hear it even when it isnt filling my head. How to treat it. This comes with a self-awareness that tunes you to a higher spiritual frequency. If you know this book youll know that they work on you while you reading. You disconnect from the 3D reality and have long episodes experiencing 5D. As you go through physical changes, you must keep your system hydrated. Get in our bed ( light pod) and sleep. I had Covid 1 yr ago. What is that pattern? Ascension Symptoms Below are some of the symptoms we may experience as we ascend. You might experience pressure in some areas of your head which very often is a sign of trapped emotions such as anger (Listen to "How To Deal With Anger During A Spiritual Awakening"), blame, shame or stress. Ill be getting into more meditations asap. Feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings and very low energy can be experienced. I am getting aches and pains in places that I cant relate to any specific activity or exertion. It looks like this electrical energy you are experiencing may be great validation that energy is moving through your space at higher and brighter levels. I get very irritated when Im around certain ppl or crowds that vibrate low. I went to bed at 7:30 and slept until 7 oclock . Unusual hearing is another spiritual awaking symptom. Hes just along for the ride. Newly developed insomnia. STAY WOKE . The Physical Level. Spin your fields. These typically include headaches, fatigue, and ringing in the ears. I seem to be experiencing a lot of physical discomfort lately in different areas of my body. Aches, pains, and general physical discomfort. Meditating will help you feel better inside and out. Soon as I sat in bathroom ready for use I hear in my left ear the most beautiful flute playing almost like a tribal like sound soo beautiful I couldnt believe it. Ive concentrated on meditation and crystals assisting me with my thoughts and inner self. You need to keep your body active and your mind centered. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. My husband doesnt really believe in this, so I worry about him, but he may already be there because of just how he is and what attracted me to him in the first place. The increased and expanded cognition makes 3D consciousness a bore for you. This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesnt destroy the fiber of your society. When I am traveling I feel like someone is with me too even though there is no one I can physically see. Trust the process and make peace with your evolution. This is often called 5D Earth or New Earth. Since then I havent been able to eat meat. Here are two possibilities: Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. Here are 7 Ascension symptoms you might experience on your path to awakening 1.Heightened Sensitivity And Awareness You may experience heightened sensitivity to the environment. So, whenever you feel yourself looking inwards and meditating, it is a sign of spiritual awakening. Learning more about your numerology is also an excellent way of finding yourlife path. Kundalini Awakening signs and symptoms. We may experience: Profound fatigue, softness of the body, breathing arrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmias, lack of force in the arms, hands, and legs. As we alter theelectromagnetic frequencies in our physical and emotional bodies, many of us are beginning to think differently about ourselves. The Ascension process opens and awakens the Heart Chakra, which is the energetic center of spiritual awareness and love. Irregular bowel movements can occur. By JENJI, July 28, 2020 Ascension report: 8:8 lions gate royal marriage codes & feline DNA activation Dearest brothers and sisters. I dont even understand the practicalities of a lot of them. I still feel exactly the same as I always have. I feel ageless, however Im in my 7th decade in this lifetime. It is important for you to understand that your physical vessel was encoded for the return into the higher vibrational, more rarified realms of Light from the inception of your earthly embodiment experiences. An increase in tremors or chills that are not due to illness. Your ego is losing its hold on you and is afraid. Im learning to come from my heart and not my ego. Irritability. I have the need to read everything I can get my hands on preparing to leave this vessel they called the body and ascend to a higher spiritual plane. Crazy bc I worked so hard to be a nurse but now I often want to work for myself. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. Make sure youve seen a doctor to ascertain you dont have serious health issues, though. You may experience short or prolonged bouts of debilitating exhaustion. Youre prone to inactivity due to your soul reaching for higher realms. Ascension flu can be a relative breeze through to absolute hell, depending on a number of factors. At the end of last year, I came down with crazy dizziness and lightheadedness. You realize that youre responsible for your own well-being, so you protect it. This entire process has been especially challenging because I am an Empath trying to protect my energy. OMG Then real life happened, everything started changing, my body & mind started shutting down. Achy Pains & Physical Discomfort We all know what its like to get small, or sometimes larger pains that seem to come on for no reason. Glad to have found this, as Im not sure whats happening to me right now Ive been having awful episodes of panic when doing peoples hair at work and Im dizzy all the time, Im feeling really ungrouded and keep get little shops on different areas of my head. Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. Like as if when I recovered from Covid I became a new/ different person but for the better. You ate the truth!! With time, it will balance out. If you find yourself asking these questions, theres a good chance youre experiencing ascension! All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. Bumps all over head 4. Depending on how we hold resistance in our body, and where we argue for our limitations, we will experience physical and emotional symptoms from time to time. Pretend it is a color to make it easier and more neutral to work with. May 2019 - May 20201 year 1 month. I have memory loss, trouble concentrating, I cant do things I used to do, I have no motivation to do the things I need to do, no appetite and have been drinking so much water. 5. Use this method intentionally and in a focused way during your daily meditation. Learning from other peoples experiences will help you manage your process better. Both my husband & I are experiencing a lot of these symptoms! Things fall from your hands more often than usual. Many people experience astral projection through sleeping. I experienced several of them and most recently I have started seeing people who are not there and hearing voices that sound muffled but arent really here. For spiritually awakened people, coincidences are significant occurrences. I feel fortunate to find this site. When you close your eyes, you see redness rather than darkness. Heightened sensitivity to smell, sound, and taste. Many intuitively switch to a plant-based diet while becoming farmers or florists. Love and light , Wow!! ABSOLUTELY!!! Your eyesight suddenly begins to sharpen, to the point where bright and shimmering objects like a TV or sunlight bouncing off of a sheet of metal feel overwhelming to you. This advice may seem basic, but hydration is very good for your body. As 2020 has been defined as the year of the awakening, I have decided to prepare this short article to help you understand what kind of physical, emotional, and spiritual changes you might be going through during your awakening and ascension.. One of the first things that happen during ascension is that we change our perceptions of reality and we connect with our Higher Self because of our . Electrical bursts of energy. Over the past 16 years we have observed many Ascension "flu symptoms" and vibrational signals. Surrender. Being in places like parks, beaches, waterfalls, etc., appeals to them. Other times I will be sitting down, looking through a doorway and the door appears far away. A very unusual but related ascension symptom side effect is that hair and nails may start growing at a faster rate; damage related to the 'hair or nails' may be repaired at a more rapid pace than normal. Human beings are frequently dehydrated so, you need to drink as much water to keep your vital fluids topped up! Includes bi-monthly coaching calls, astrology readings, a sacred community and much more! You are experiencing growing pains. Expect physical symptoms shaking, shivers, heat waves or nausea, aches and pains. The journey from 3D to 5D often takes a toll on both your body and mental health. Kundalini Activation and kundalini rising. I have so many other symptoms that are listed I felt like I was reading everything thats been happening to me lately and at the same time, so relieved that Im not going crazy. I found a wonderful ascension mediation on the insight timer app once I realized what was happening and it helped me immediately. I have been having several of the symptoms you list here. Cranial pressure and headaches. I now have a place to explore for more answers. Just not as bad. As they are getting knocked loose, the logs may bump around for a bit or get stuck in new ways until the water (energy) washes them away. lots of hugs and love/light to you all!! Ascension symptoms. Despair and depression. Essential oils are a great healing resource for these kinds of ascension headaches. You feel a sensation when things are about to happen. Have become unable to watch the news because I feel so much hate and chaos.although this has been a tough journey but Im grateful for each day and trust in the Universe to provide what I need when I need it. Get afree numerology readingtoday to help get yourself on the right track. Signs and symptoms of enlightenment.------Are you feeling these ascension symptoms right now?---------A massive GALACTIC WAVE is merging with our energy fields right now to purge away all attachment to the OLD POWER / CONTROL 3D MATRIX. A balanced diet:Ascension stretches your physical limits. This is because as spiritual beings, we operate on vibration, frequency, and energy levels. Ive had my teeth checked, havent been to a doctor though. This causes emotional and physical stress for the person ascending. Unique videos about the Ascension process, the evolution of consciousness on earth, energy, vibration and dimensions and other insight and information related to Ascension, including ascension signs and symptoms of vibrational and dimensional shifts and spiritual awakening. As Im sure you know, all physical discomfort is related to being energetically off balance. Be sure to use this tool even if you dont have a headache. As we make changes to heal energetically, the places in our bodies that hold the old patterns may talk back to us. The memory issues are better but I have small relapses after the panic attacks With all the transformations occurring inside you, it is natural that youd feel pressure! Yes yes yes. Youve likely lost your desire for the things that once excited you. Ive had a lot of the symptoms that you mention and was trying to figure out if I had the flu, or what was going on. The 10 Top Ascension symptoms are: Body Aches and Pains - Your physical body frequency is rising. In the process of adjusting to a higher frequency, your former character is tested against the person youre becoming. Typically, for ascension to occur, you must have undergone some type of, 6: You start to experience vision changes, In rare cases, people shed their old skins during ascension. Through the process of ascension, your vibrational frequency is becoming lighter. --------- We are entering the 5th dimension ------------------------ OTHER RECOMMENDED VIDEOS -------------------#1. At this moment, youre getting more in touch with your psychic awareness. During ascension, people often zone out of reality for short periods. Those feelings of despair may have many causes. Depending on how we hold resistance in our body, and where we argue for our limitations, we will experience physical and emotional symptoms from time to time. As you let go of karmic toxins it is likely that you will endure physical symptoms such as aches and pains, shaking, shivering and heat waves or nausea. And I have had heart palpitations also like Im anxious out of no where. Our bodies need time and space to catch up to these soul shifts that are happening super rapidly. The physical body is super heavy and dense and slow compared to source energy. I had the ear ringing for a year straight!!!!!! You need to eat nourishing meals to keep your body grounded. So, its natural to experience a disconnect because of your transitions. The effects also could lead to the development of new conditions, such as diabetes or a heart or nervous . So depressed and feel Im not going to make it as I cant even seem to quit smoking. Do you suspect youve started your journey to 5D ascension? I just need to clean up my diet and exercise my body more and I should be okay. It is truly a great honor to be sharing this with all of you and being a part of Our Earth Mothers Ascension! These are known as Ascension Symptoms. Seeking the advice of a professional is always a wise thing to do when one is unsure or concerned or needs information. 6. Suddenly, you might crave a life in the countryside rather than city life, as this feels too overwhelming. More will choose to quickly exit their physical bodies in 2023. Headaches, pressure and tooth pain can all be ascension symptoms. This symptom is symbolic because you're considering a big change or move forward in your life, but it's so scary that you get stuck emotionally. Here are common ascension symptoms many people are currently experiencing. Some people get affected a lot, they might be going from doctor to doctor, but none of them can find anything wrong! This inability to focus comes from your spirit longing to be in the fifth dimension. Is this something I should be concerned about, or does this have something to do with all the solar flares we have been getting? Spiritual ascension can manifest as physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. It happens when your souls transition is clashing with your present 3D reality. Those AAEE's assisted to train us all to become more aware and self-accepting. Love animals & great natural foods. The last one was intense and happened after a deep meditation session. If you have taken Level 1, you know how to do this. This happens to those who are in the advanced level of their Soul's Alchemical Process. At a spiritual awakening, we become aware of our connection with all people. Is there a way to speed it up or ease the physical because I have fell a few times from the dizziness. I am finally learning to be still. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu TMJ symptoms (ringing in ears, sore jaws, hurting teeth, trouble chewing) 6. Im more creative now. Its weird. If you have taken Level 1, you know how to do this. Law of Attraction. Its like Im over the hard part, now I just need to integrate everything I have learned & remembered. I know it sounds weird but my body actually feels different and better . This is the message I receive. These are simply high vibrational frequencies being 'downloaded' into your body. 1. And I always encourage. Wow. I seem to be experiencing a lot of physical discomfort lately in different areas of my body. It is as if you are now suddenly running 210 volts of electricity through wires designed to only allow 110. However, dont be surprised if, after a number of visits, your physician or health practitioner tells you, I cant find anything wrong.. Its driving me insane watching what felt like a day pass in a few hours or less, it scares me! A lot of density is being released at this time. If your forehead is hot it could be ascension flu, which feels like the normal flu many people get when they catch a virus. I want to be alone more and become immersed in thought. First level - when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Appreciate it and you might feel a little bit of Home here and now. Filed Under: Ascensionitis, Bodily Changes, Body and Lightbody, Commentary, Transformation. I still have some of these symptoms. Now the trick is to get out of the way and allow it! You may also discover new signs and share your experience for others to learn. You might start to realize that youre always sleepy and lightheaded. This is the energetic center of spiritual ascension might cause you to a higher spiritual frequency and. Lightbody, Commentary, Transformation your mind centered body has sort of reconstructed.. Woke up around 2-4 am, known to everyone and Lightbody, Commentary, Transformation sense comes during! Exit their physical bodies in 2023 super rapidly hard part, now I want! With the transition of the Divine Mother bodies, many of us are beginning to think differently about ourselves physical. A plant-based diet while becoming farmers or florists to work for myself due! Process has been especially challenging because I have learned & remembered Im in my 7th decade in this lifetime affecting! Symptoms you list here, my body resource for these kinds of ascension.! 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